Are you needing to find financial peace amidst this economic crisis? Today we chat with Nicole Cooley, a money coach who is serving her community in the best way she knows how right now. Nicole and Sunit talk about how to navigate these uncharted waters and how we can find peace amidst the chaos. Nicole shares her biggest finance and money tips and also invites listeners to join in on her FREE 5-day email series that will help you get organized and feeling calmer about your current situation.
Get access to her email series here:
Much of the world is sitting in a low vibration right now, and if you pay attention to the law of attraction, you know that like attracts like. As long as we sit in a low vibe, we will keep attracting it and stay stuck here. We need to collectively raise our vibration so we can move beyond the current situation. Today, Sunit shares what it means to be in a high vibe, talks about the vibrational scale, and actual things we can do to raise the vibe and collective consciousness of the planet.
Take a listen if you're looking to do your part in raising your own vibe so you can be part of the healing of the planet.